The homepage is the springboard for users of TRIKKS to get a better overview. It should help a user know what kind of content they have started on, which content they should start on, and other important information such as relevant links etc.
On the right side of the screen you can also set up links to other material. In the row you can find shortcuts, news, events, professional networks and groups. The tab categories will only appear if there is something to show there. If a user is not a member of any professional network, this tab should not be displayed. The same is true for the rest of the tabs
As an administrator, press the 3 dots menu as shown in the picture below
Show custom messages to users on the Home page. The first message is displayed at the top, and to see all messages the user must click on "Show more". For each message you can assign roles, and the message will then only be visible to users with the respective role. Configure roles under Administrator > Roles. You can optionally specify a time period for each message. Once the date has expired, the message will no longer appear. For a message to be visible, it must be activated by activating "Show message to users".
Add custom shortcuts to the top widget on the Home page. You can add shortcuts to content items in the academy or you can add any link (to external or internal pages). For example, you can link to a specific category page from the directory. In addition, you can assign roles and the shortcut will then only be visible to users with the respective role. Up to 3 shortcuts will appear on the Home page, additional shortcuts will appear in a popup when you click on the widget title.
Sort the rows with the arrows and decide which of these should be displayed on the Home page.
You can choose different themes for the background of the Home page. If you use a dark theme the font will be white, if you use a light theme the font will be black. You can also upload a background image that appears on top with a gradient overlay.
What will be displayed will vary
The information is tailored based on each individual user. This is based on the user's roles, interests and previous choices.
The prerequisite for the website to function well is that administrators in the academy mark content with the correct categories and interests. When a user chooses interests and roles, this will be responsible for the design of their individual website. To read more about roles, you can find more information here
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