Events is a feature that enables administrators/facilitators to create different type of online or classroom events, and share them with the users. The feature needs to be enabled and supported at an academy level, in order to be put to use.
Important to note: The concept of events is a separate element which cannot be added to a container.
How to create events
In order to create a new event, open the left side menu, click 'Create' and then select 'Content'.
This opens the toolbox. Select the 'Event' option from the different options available therein.
You will see the create event pop-up. Fill-in the information as per your event, and click 'Create'.
Some special settings available upfront in the create event pop-up are:
Note that most of the information that you fill-in at this stage can be updated later by going to the 3-dots menu > settings of your event.
After you have clicked the create button, a basic layout of your event will be displayed to you as seen below:
Notice that now you are able to add dates, time, location etc. to your event. You can attach content, create links or upload documents to the event as required with the help of 'Add content' option.
The page also has direct edit pencil icons to update the event responsibles and event presenters as seen above.
Let us add a date to the event by clicking 'Add date' option. The following options appear:
Choosing to set-up an online event gives the following options accordingly:
After you click 'Save', the event layout will be updated as per the details filled-in:
How to invite users to sign-up for the event
Once you are ready to invite users to sign-up for your event, click 3-dots menu > Users > Invite:
You can invite multiple users by entering several email addresses. The invited users will receive an email notifying them about the event and you can keep yourself updated with their responses in the same option under events, that is, 'users'.
The different 'Share' settings for an event
Click 3-dots menu > Share option to open the pop-up displaying different sharing possibilities available to you for the event:
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